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Stitch and Sew plans for May

Monday is May 1st and that marks the beginning of #StichMaynia for cross stitchers.  I've participated in this in previous years.  I've never done it exactly as the originators designed -  start 31 new projects, one each day.  That is just a bit much for me and honestly, I don't have the fabric stash to do that LOL  

This year I've decided to change it up again.  Instead of starting new things, I am going to work on WIPS that need to be finished.  So, consider this my starting point post for those WIPS.

First up to finish is Hands on Design's Year of Celebrations season 1.  I'm doing this as a birthday gift for Ashley, my oldest daughter.  Well, her birthday was in March HAHAHAHA  I started this last May when the second season was released.  I'm working on January's and only have February, March and April left.

Next up is another Hands on Design pattern.  I am a member of her Gather Round Club.  Seasonal stitches that she includes all the fabric, thread and finishing items needed.  It started with the Spring set.  I'm almost finished with the second design in it.  The Summer set has already been delivered so I need to get busy and finish this.

The last WIP I've chosen is Grant's Christmas stocking.  This was my New Year's Day start.  I'd like for him to have it this year.  And then I need to get to work on Jarrett's Christmas stocking.  One step at a time though.  Finish Grant's.  And yes, he is a firefighter.

I'd also like to fully finish these little seed packets from Stitching with the Housewives.  Someone in their Facebook group finished them with a watering can and it was precious.  Hubs and I were at Tractor Supply and they had cute springy colored cans so I got a pretty green one.  I may stitch the Housewives' Pick Your Own Wildflowers to go with this too.  Not sure yet, but I want the seed packets done and displayed.

If I start any new cross stitch in May it would be this adorable North Pole piece by Primrose Cottage Stitches.  She released this at Market this spring and it's just precious.

As for quilting and sewing for May, I will continue on with the BOMs from Coriander Quilts and A Quilting Life.  I plan on having my Basket Weave top done before we leave Odessa in May so that is a priority.  I will continue to work on my Sewcialites 2 quilt - I just ordered backing fabric for it.  I'm thinking this will be adorable!

My new quilt along project will be the Summer Memories quilt from Susan Ache's book.  Fat Quarter Shop is hosting a sew along to do the basket quilt and I've been collecting red, pink and blue fabrics for it.  I've got a few more coming as well as some border and backing fabrics that I picked out.  I really hope they match, if not I'll be looking for something else and will have about 6 yards of Minick & Simpson that I don't know what I'll do with.  I guess I'll buy some more of that fabric line and do a quilt with just that LOL

I have a dress cut out for Emery that I need to put together before we leave Odessa, so that is added to my list of sewing for May.

I'm off to download some audiobooks to listen to while I sew.  Until next time...


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