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August of Accomplishments

The Oxford definition for ACCOMPLISHMENT is "something that has been achieved successfully".   I am claiming August as the Month of Accomplishments for my massive cross stitch WIP collection.  My plan is to finish some of the WIPs that are close to being finished or that I have had in the WIP pile for a long time.  Here's a look at my stitching spot...Notice the basket on the floor, it is full of WIPs.  Notice the pile on the sofa, it's all WIPs.  I have got to get some of these gone, especially since I LOVE starting new projects.

So, am thinking I will work on Calvin and Trixie.  I am sooooo close on this one.  I even bought finishing fabric for it.

I think I will try to complete the January SAL from Little House and Country Cottage Stitching Group on Facebook.  The theme was winter.  I bought finishing fabric for this too.

I also want to finish up Seasons in Chalk: Stars and Stripes.  Super close on that one too.

The December Cottage of the Month can easily be finished this month as well.  These stitch up pretty fast, it's just a matter of sitting and stitching.

I want to finish June's truck from the Truckin Along series.  That will give me 4 of the 12 completed and I have August started.

Buffalo Plaid Summer is on the list to be finished this month.  Then I will be ready to start the Fall one when the magazine comes out.  Not to mention I still have the Spring one on the end table LOL

And last on my finish list is Pumpkin Picking Day.  Granted, I just started it yesterday, but I want it done so I can put it up cause I absolutely love it!

Let's see what I can accomplish :)

Until next time....


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