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Homesick is defined as acutely longing for one's family or home. 

That perfectly described me for the last month or so. As you know, we've been in Odessa since October.  I enjoyed myself there. The landscape was different.  The people were different.  The weather was different.  And I had Hubs and the dog.

But the beginning of May brought is talking about where we were going next. That lead to conversations about going home for a bit in between.  And that in turn made me miss my home. It made me miss my kitties. It made me realize I hadn't seen my girls live and in person since February.  I spent Mother's Day without them! Needless to say, I ended up very homesick. 

I gained and lost the same 3.5 pounds all month. I didn't really menu plan. Or if I did, I didn't follow it 100%. There were several days when I just sat and stared out the window. 

Billy's job was wrapping up but they kept extending the date. Finally we packed up and drove out of Odessa on June 10. It took is 2 days to drive home-we managed to bring more.home with us than we brought out there. Including a truck lol But we made it home. However,  when I got home I was so overwhelmed with needing to unpack and repack for the next job,  and the fact that my house was chaotic because we are in the midst of remodeling that I spent the week wandering around, not doing much.  I did get to see all the girls except Ashley- which is understandable since she's in Louisiana.  I got to love on the kitties as well. And then we set out to northeast Georgia for the next work project.  

We have gone from the desert where we joked about the lack of trees to staying in a cabin on the mountainside where it looks like we are in a tree house. 
It's rained everyday since we got here. I love the rain and the sound of rolling thunder is one of my favorites,  but the fact that I was a little depressed from being homesick and not getting over that before leaving and the dreariness has me still a little unsettled.  At least we will go home most weekends since we're only 3 1/2 hours away. 

So, I need to menu plan so I can grocery shop for next week.  The closest Walmart is 30 minutes away (only 17 miles but once again, we are on a mountain). I've got some cross stitch with me. And of course I have my kindle. Let's see if I can get to feeling like myself again. 

Until next time...


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