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Showing posts from November, 2020

The Revenge Pact by Ilsa Madden-Mills

 How was your Thanksgiving holiday?  Ours was great!  The Squirrels were home from Tuscaloosa and Lola and Agent J (that is what we call Lauren and Jarrett LOL) came over.  We went simple this year - fried turkey, obligatory veggie casserole, green beans, mac and cheese and Lola made homemade rolls and a pumpkin ganache for dessert.  Over the long weekend we got Jenna mostly moved into her new apartment.  I think we just have the dressers and mattress left to move.  We unpacked most of the boxes and got things put up on the walls.  There is a nice new gate at the top of the stairs because Emery wanders 😂 We still need to put the one at the bottom, but that is an easy fix.  The top one had to be screwed in the wall because we are sure that she would walk up to it and push and then she and the gate would go tumbling. I got lots of stitching time and reading time during the break.  I finished stitching Town Church by Little House Needlewor...

Christmas Stitch Progress

Since I am finished with classes I will have more time to get some stitching in. But I don't want you to think I haven't been doing any LOL  I am almost finished with Pumpkin Cottage and I'm still working on the September truck from Stitching with the Housewives- yes I know it's November.  I started the December truck and will work on that next month when I take part in the #jollyhousewives stitch along. Oh! I did finish the pig stack! I'll post a pic when I find a frame.  I started Town Church by Little House Needleworks for the November/December SAL in their Facebook group. It's called A Holiday Village SAL. I'm doing this on fabric I dyed. Mallory named it Roslyn. I was thinking Twilight.  I'm still working on Kringles by LHN. I haven't picked it up in a couple weeks. But I started going down the building to the first floor. The next portion I plan to finish is the name.  These Secret Santa ornaments by Hands on...


  I am doing a happy dance right now!  I am finished with fall semester classes!  This semester saw Organizational Behavior - it was labeled a management class but was secretly a psychology class.  This semester also saw International Business.  While I enjoyed both classes, I liked the International Business one better. With this being over, now I can focus on the holidays.  Billy was working on the wiring in the living room and front porch yesterday so that I can put the tree up in there.  I am soooo behind in my holiday decorating.  I just took the Halloween wreath off the door LOL  We will get the living room straightened out before Thursday.  Hopefully. On a positive holiday note, I do have my new Christmas comforter on the bed.  I've been making my bed daily since changing over to it.  Eliza likes the comforter.  Of course, she just likes my bed.  But she escaped yesterday and came home wet and manag...

Saturday's Procrastination

 Helllooooo!!!! I've got the computer on, sample papers pulled up, papers printed out, webpages pulled up on Brazil and their coffee exporting.  I'm ready to write!  And what am I doing?  Typing up a blog post 😁  You know, procrastination at it's finest. I really do have the outline done - turned it in this week.  And I will get to the paper.  I have no choice.  The class ends on the 24th.  I have to do the paper and another 2 modules.  I will need to take a day off next week to work on school stuff. Speaking of taking a day off to do school stuff, I did that this week.  I took Wednesday off.  That's when I got the outline done.  But, I did not get to work on school stuff all day because Mal called and said she has COVID Bless her heart, she was crying and upset.  Not over the fact that she was sick, but over the fact that now her closest friends need to get tested.  Billy and I called our work teledoc thing and...

Soooo tired

   That is how I am feeling right now.  TIRED.  But, here I am with a smile on my face at work trying to act like my head doesn't hurt and I'm not ready to put my head on my desk and nap.  And to be honest, I don't think I will be any less tired any time soon. My International Business class is wrapping up quickly and I need to spend the weekend working on the final project.  I've decided to do something for that that I am considering starting up business-wise for myself.  More info on that at a later date LOL   On top of the school work, I am trying to meal plan again.  Since it's just me, Hubs and Jenna and the baby at home, meal planning and cooking should be easy.  SHOULD BE is the important words there.  I need some quick and easy meals for weeknights.  Do you have any suggestions I can add to my menus?   I'll be around this weekend, after the school work is done, to share my updates on my stitching.  I...