16 years ago today she was born. A day I'll never forget. I woke up during the early morning and went to the bathroom (as preggo ladies often do in the middle of the night) so when I woke up at 7:30 to get ready for my doctor's appointment I didn't have to rush to the bathroom. I laid in the bed thinking of what I was going to eat for breakfast when my water broke! So I ended up in the bathroom anyway LOL I got dressed and we headed to the hospital....after I ate breakfast :)

She arrived at 12:38...right after lunch. My only child to be born in the afternoon (the rest were morning babies). She weighed 9 pound and 1 ounce. She was 21 inches long. And had dark brown, almost black hair. And lots of it. She was a miserable baby. She had her days and nights mixed up. that didn't matter though cause she only slept for about 20 minutes at a time and then cried for the next half hour. She did that the first 3 months she was alive. I thought I'd die from lack of sleep. I wondered why she wasn't a good baby like her big sister.

Thankfully we figured out it was her formula. Once we straightened that out, she was a happy little camper.
Now, she's 16. A sophmore in high school. A beautiful young lady. She wants to be a surgeon. She wants a new kitten. She wants a new car. She'll get her driver's license at the end of the month. She has a potty mouth. Regardless, I am very proud of her. She's a spectacular human being that I love with all my heart and soul.