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WIP Wednesday...on Thursday

I started this post yesterday. Several times.  But, I got busy doing other stuff and this got pushed to the side.  I finally have a few free minutes today so I figured I would come back to it LOL  Really, I am procrastinating on doing my last case study for the management class I am taking 😉

So, this is titled WIP Wednesday.  I decided I would start sharing my cross stitch WIPs with you.  

I started cross stitching MANY years ago.  I've done pieces and given them as birthday, graduation and wedding gifts.  I made the whole family matching Christmas stockings.  Even got two of the three grandbabies stockings made after a long break from cross stitch while I sewed children's clothes and went to school.  But, I picked cross stitch back up a couple of years ago and quickly remembered why I love it so much.  It's almost mindless work for me.  It keeps my attention just enough to make ignore all else, but not enough thought has to be focused on it to make it hard.  However, I do count, count and count again just to make sure I have the stitches in the right place 😁

I probably have about 20 cross stitch projects going.  Yes, 20.  No, I don't work on all of them at the same time.  I have a handful that I work on weekly and then rotate them out.  I use to not cross stitch like that at all.  I use to be a from start to finish stitcher.  But I really like starting pieces.  And, I figured if I don't start on some of the pieces, I may never get to stitch them because let's be honest, there are only so many hours in the day and there are other things that need to get done.  And I still want to read.

So, first up on the weekly rotation is Kringles by Little House Needleworks.  I've been working on this one mainly on Sundays.  I've seen finished ones and it's just gorgeous!  It's the front of a department store all decked out for Christmas.  I'm doing this on 14 count aida that I dyed myself.  The pattern calls for Parisian Gray.  I did a light smoky gray.

Next up is the September Trucking Along pattern by Stitching with the Housewives.  I signed up for the Stitch Along/Club from the Fat Quarter Shop (I highly recommend shopping with her.  Wonderful service and pretty packages!).  I have only finished the July truck before this one...and the first truck in the series was June HAHAHAHA Most likely this won't be finished this month, but I am ok with that.  The next truck I work on will either be November or December.  November's has turkeys and is adorable!  I really have more done on this one that this picture shows.  I've got the truck all filled in.  I just forgot to take a picture.  This is on 14 count chalkboard aida.

And the last one I'm sharing this week is Calvin and Trixie, once again by the Real Housewives of Cross Stitch.  This is an adorable Halloween pattern in case you couldn't tell 😉  I'm doing this on 14 count aida I dyed gray and then coffe/tea dyed it after.  I actually worked on this last night instead of doing the homework I referenced up in the first paragraph.  Never let it be said that I do not know how to procrastinate.

Alright, that is all I have for this week for cross stitch.  I'm sure I will work on these more this week and I want to do some work on one that is supposed to be a wedding gift for my cousin and his wife.  They got married last Friday so I need to get that finished!  I'll be back this weekend with the finished Halloween bucket.

Until next time...


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