My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Another 4 solid star book by Jaci Burton.
I read the first one at the beginning of this year and wondered how JB was going to make me like Liz. Well, guess what? She did. Liz apologized for what she did to Tara and Nathan in the first book and got fired by Mick. Then Liz proceeds to hide from Gavin (Mick's hot little brother that Liz also represents and she's in love with). When I found out that Liz has been in love with Gavin for several years, my heart went out to her. Here she is, representing this guy that she loves and he has NO CLUE and is a playboy and she has to watch him with all these different women on his arm all the time. She's a stronger person than I am, cause I would have been gone.
I adored Gavin from the very beginning. He was fun and sexy and playful and just a tad bit dominating in the bedroom. When he realized he had feelings for her, he didn't back away, just kind of pushed it to the side...even when the guys on his baseball team pointed out that he was playing worse when Liz was gone than when she was there. My problem with Gavin came when Liz finally told him she loved him (of course, any woman would have had a problem then cause of his reaction). Gavin was a stupid clod who was listening to his grudge holding brother rather than listening to his heart and therefore broke Liz's heart; which is what she was trying to avoid in the first place. Thankfully Daddy Riley gave his boys a talking to and they realized they were both in the wrong and BOTH apologized to Liz. In the end, Gavin got the girl and what a sweet way it happened too *sigh*
Now on to the sexin'. Yep, it gets a whole paragraph to it's self. Once again, I took several cold showers while reading this. My husband would have benefited greatly from this book had he been here while I read it; I even told him that *smirk* I think Gavin could have easily transitioned into black leather pants and had Liz call him "Master". Would I have minded? NOT ONE BIT! But while he was so dominating in the bedroom (or living room or porch), he was still very loving to Liz. I'm surprised it took him so long to recognize his feelings for her. Of course, Liz gave just as good as he did. If you read this book for nothing other than the lovin', you won't be disappointed :)
Good grief. I had lots to say about this one *heehee* Go get the book and read it!
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