Good Morning! Yes, I'm one of *those* people. The ones who are unusually happy and greet everyone with a "good morning". I use to teach with a lady that would look at me and say, "It's just morning. There isn't anything good about it cause we're at school." I'd just smile in response. Because, really? What is there to say to that? So, I said I was going to try oatmeal this morning. And I have. And the jury is still out on whether or not I like it. I know, you're wondering why I'd try oatmeal if I don't like it. Or better yet, you're wondering how I've never tried oatmeal before. Well, let me explain... I'm a Southerner. Born in southeast Texas, raised in coastal Louisiana, currently shacking up in Alabama. I joke and say you couldn't get much more southern than me since I'm from below I-10 (if you don't understand that, look at the map up there). In fact, I've never lived north of ...