Well, I've learned a couple of things reading this book... 1) I need to actually skim the reviews my friends write rather than just looking at their rating. This is one of those Nicholas Sparks type of books that leaves you snot-sobbing at the end. Not exactly my favorite reading. Sure, I love angsty books, but this was just totally heartbreaking. 2) I don't focus well on the words that are written on the page if I have tears pouring down my face. I just can't see through the tears. That being said, this is a book I'm glad I didn't chunk at the wall half way through when I learned it wasn't a true HEA. Dexter grew so much through this book. It was amazing how he changed. I really hated him at one point during the book. By the end, I felt so sad for him. He wasted most of his life not being with the woman he loved (he was too stupid and blind to know he truly loved her), and then she was ta...