I must admit, I really liked how #stitchsania went. Focusing on one piece during the week had me feeling like I got a lot accomplished. I've kind of taken that mini-focus and kept on with it. I'm changing it up a bit by giving myself a goal with the focus piece. For example, yesterday's goal was to complete the black around Kringles on that piece. I almost got there! I'll finish that up tonight and pull out Sunflower Farm to work on - I was browsing through Everything CrossStitch's weekly sale and saw it and remembered I started it last year. It's a happy piece. So, let's go through what I did last month. First up was Calvin and Trixie by Stitching with the Housewives. I got a good bit done on this. I am even further along now because I kept it out of the basket so it will be in my current rotation. I now have all of the green leaves complete, 2 more of the jack o lanterns, and have started on Calvin's face. I have a cute...