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Showing posts from June, 2021

Stopping Points for #stitchsania

I must admit, I really liked how #stitchsania went.  Focusing on one piece during the week had me feeling like I got a lot accomplished.  I've kind of taken that mini-focus and kept on with it. I'm changing it up a bit by giving myself a goal with the focus piece. For example,  yesterday's goal was to complete the black around Kringles on that piece. I almost got there! I'll finish that up tonight and pull out Sunflower Farm to work on - I was browsing through Everything CrossStitch's weekly sale and saw it and remembered I started it last year. It's a happy piece.  So, let's go through what I did last month.  First up was Calvin and Trixie by Stitching with the Housewives.  I got a good bit done on this. I am even further along now because I kept it out of the basket so it will be in my current rotation.  I now have all of the green leaves complete, 2 more of the jack o lanterns, and have started on Calvin's face. I have a cute...

Happy June!

 Happy June, everyone!  Summer is almost here.  Most people are gearing up for vacations and get togethers.  In our family, we are getting ready to trade homes.  Both Lola and the Squirrels are moving this summer.  On the same day.  How am I supposed to pick who to help?   Actually, we will be helping Lauren move first.  She has to be out of her apartment by midnight July1...which is also her birthday.  She and Agent J are moving into a newer three bedroom, two bath apartment with their fur baby, Ridge.  They are super excited. The Squirrels have are moving out of their apartment in Tuscaloosa and into a two bedroom house.  They have most of the month of July to do it though.  While they have more time, it meant we have to pay double rent for them in July and we need to find some living room furniture.  Their current apartment is furnished while the house is not.  Harley wants a new bed as well.  She ha...