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Showing posts from October, 2008

YIKES!!!!!!!!!! Look what I just found in my laundry room! Well, not the particular one in the picture. But it's friend/cousin/twin...YUCK!!! Thank goodness my laundry room is NOT attached to the inside of my house. I think I would just die if it was. It's bad enough that he/she is in there, but the thought that it could get inside where we are makes me faint! And to make it worse, it's by my Christmas stuff :( My precious collectable Christmas ornaments. Hubby is on a run to Wally Wolrd to get a rat trap. We put mouse traps out this weekend with no luck. And now I know's bigger than the blanking trap!!! I'll keep you updated....

I'm so happy!

I got a new dining room set today! I know, you're thinking "so what?!" Well, in our house, a sit down dinner is something we USE to do on a regular basis. Then our family grew. And grew. And grew. Now that there is 7 of us, it's rare for us to sit and have a family meal. That and the fact that I've got the kitchen table covered in fabric and sewing machines HAHA!!! So I'm happy to say that I got a new table and chairs for my dining room. And the girls and I already used for lunch today :)

Christmas in Pink

So, I finally finished something new. I know, it's taken me what seems like forever. I did this one in nontraditional and brown aren't usually colors associated with Christmas. But with me, you never can tell LOL The jury is still out on whether or not I like this pattern (it's the popular Euro pattern called Vida by Farbenmix). I guess I'll have to give it another try and see what I think then. I'll let you know. I've got another Christmas set almost finished. It's in red and green for all you traditionalist ;0) I've also got a purse painted to match it. I didn't think I'd like painting...still not sure LOL I guess painting is one of those things that you can learn to like ???? I should be able to finish it this week since I'm not working all week long. At least as of right now I'm not :) Have a great week!